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uni'alumni 2013_ENG

Dear Alumni, We’re sure you were as saddened as we were in June 2012, when it was announced that our Institutional Strategy would not be given a second chance for funding in the Excellence Initiative. We were all very disappointed, despite the fact that our clusters and graduate school will receive funding. As the vice rector for research I have the duty to analyze our strengths and weaknesses. When I spoke to the representa- tives of the university institutions, we were all in agreement that the excellent research infrastructure built up in the space of five years at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) should be maintained for the benefit of the entire uni- versity. FRIAS has achieved great things: It has enhanced the international visibility of our university, conducted high-quality interdisciplinary research, and created an excellent platform for outstanding early-stage researchers. We are engaging in an open discussion at the university on how a newly structured institute can cooperate closely with the faculties and serve as a link between research and the general public. This process will be characterized by open- ness and transparency. In the current transitional phase, we intend to fulfill all continuing obligations and hold discussions in faculty council sessions at the entire university. Then we will enter into negotiations with the Ministry of Science of the State of Baden-Württemberg in order to secure core funding for a newly designed FRIAS in the year 2013. We will inform the public as to the results. I hope you enjoy reading the magazine – and stay in contact! Sincerely, Prof. Dr. Gunther Neuhaus Vice Rector for Research of the University of Freiburg Sincerely, Prof. Dr. Gunther Neuhaus CONTENTS Cover Story Hans-Jochen Schiewer Looks Forward 4 The Cluster of Excellence BrainLinks-BrainTools 6 Alumni Network Christian Streich Wants to Educate His Players 9 The Year at the University in Pictures 10 Christiane Sadlo’s Talent for Dramaturgy 12 Egon Kochanke Has Seen a Lot as a Diplomat 13 Freedom with the Deutschlandstipendium 14 The New Student Service Center 15 Shin-Ho Kang, Honorary Member of Alumni Freiburg 16 Gabriele Pattberg’s Ideas for the Alumni Club 16 Between the Lines: Petra Busch 17 My Flat: State Minister Silke Krebs 17 Alumni Answer: 1968 – I Was There! 18 Tales from the Cafeteria: Nikolaus Piper 21 Historical Greats: Hans Spemann 21 University News Andreas Voßkuhle on the Price of the Office 22 My Podcast: Magnus Striet 23 Franz-Josef Brüggemeier Taught at Harvard 24 A Look Back: Erasmus Program Turns 25 25 Professors of the Past: Otti Wilmanns 25 Campus Bulletin 26 Leena Bruckner-Tuderman’s New Post 28 Survey: Contributions to the “Green City” 29 Jörg Rüdiger Siewert Has a Master Plan 30 Degree Programs on Taxation 31 City Life Daniel Cartis Cleans Freiburg’s Bächle 32 A Look Forward: Plans for the City Tunnel 33 Photo:Bamberger Shin-Ho Kang Leena Bruckner-Tuderman Daniel Cartis 3
